Parkdale United Church

We are intentional about creating program opportunities that help people to build connections, live faith and act for justice. All our programs have elements of education, spiritual growth, outreach and community building, although some focus more on one area and some on another. Wherever you are in your faith journey and in your life, we hope that you will find something that appeals to you.Here are some of the programs, events and activities that are offered at Parkdale United Church.​
Read more about church activities in our 2023 Annual Report.

Book Club by Zoom
Children’s Ministry
Healing Pathway Ministry
Knitting Ministry
Ladies Lunch Bunch
Movie Nights
Prayer Circle
Women’s Breakfast
Youth Ministry
Book Club on Zoom
Our Book Club meets once a month on Zoom, the second Saturday morning of the month, from 10:00 to 11:30 am, September to June. Books are chosen by the group and there is always rich discussion! The Book Club welcomes new participants at any time. Contact the church office for the Zoom link.

Children's Ministry
We are currently working in a one-room Sunday School structure, encompassing kindergarten to grade 5. As we continue through the year, we will be exploring what the Bible can teach us about how communities celebrate, live together, change, and grow. The weekly lessons typically include reading the bible, crafts, drama, and games. We are eager to have the children become more involved in the church community, by periodically participating in worship, greeting people, presenting a Christmas Pageant and being involved in other celebrations throughout the year.
Parkdale United Church offers a vibrant music program. The Adult Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., and on Thursday evenings at 7:15 p.m. from September to June. The choir leads singing during Sunday worship services and presents an anthem almost every week. Parkdale United Choir participates in special services during Christmas, Easter and “The Twelfth Night” service in January. The choir always welcomes new singers. Come and sing with us!

Healing Pathway
Healing Pathway is an energy-based therapeutic approach to healing. It uses light touch to influence the energy system with the intent of balancing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Healing Pathway treatments take place in the church’s healing rooms on the second floor. Everyone in the church and wider community is invited to experience the Healing Pathway Ministry. Treatments are available by appointment. Please contact the church to make arrangements, 403-283-3301.
Knitting Ministry
The knitting ministry at Parkdale is dedicated to knitting Prayer Shawls for people who are ill or in need of comfort as well as baby blankets for the newest members of our congregation. The knitting group also knits “prayer squares” to leave at the front of the sanctuary so people who come to church can have a little reminder of God’s comforting presence.

Parkdale United Church has an indoor labyrinth, located in the lower level of the church, available for those who would like to walk the labyrinth as a spiritual, healing or meditative experience. Walking the labyrinth helps some people to feel expansive, grounded, and balanced. It may help reduce grief and enhance physical and emotional healing. Each person experiences the labyrinth in their own way. The labyrinth is open most week days and Sunday mornings.
Ladies' Lunch Bunch
Ladies Lunch Bunch meets for lunch and visiting after the worship service at Dalhousie Boston Pizza on the last Sunday of every month, except for July, August and December. All ladies are welcome.

Movie Nights
About one Sunday evening a month from September to June, the Faith and Justice Committee hosts a Movie Night in the Conference Room at the church. All are welcome to join at 6:30 p.m. to enjoy refreshments, fellowship, and to watch a thought-provoking movie with a social justice flavor. Following the movie, we engage in stimulating conversation about the movie. All are invited to join in the socializing, discussion and learning. See the Events page for more details about the next Movie Night. Watch the monthly announcements for the film title.
Nursery Care
We have Nursery staff who are available to care for the youngest among us (infants and pre-school children) on Sunday mornings during the worship service. Infants and toddlers are welcome to stay in church with their parents and then leave at the same time as the Sunday School children. The Nursery is located upstairs, next to the Sunday School room, a space wonderfully suited for child care. The nursery cares for and nurtures the little ones with play, stories, and crafts to celebrate the changing seasons in the church and in the wider community. For the safety of all these young ones, we ask that no peanut products be brought to the space.

Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle focuses healing thought on those who are unwell in body or spirit, or who wish for spiritual healing with the use of daily contemplation and meditation. With permission, members of the Prayer Circle hold a person’s concern in God’s love and pray for their highest good.
Women's Breakfast
Women’s Breakfast meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from September to June at Cora’s Restaurant in the Brentwood Village Shopping Centre (420 Brentwood Way NW). All women are invited; no reservation required. The purpose of this gathering is to socialize and get to know each other. Cost is whatever you order for breakfast.

Youth Group
The youth program runs out of a one-room Sunday School structure, grades 6 to 12. Each month, a Friday is set aside for a youth event to give them the opportunity to connect with fellow community members and share their faith and passions with others. Weekly lessons typically include a mix of in-depth discussion of the bible, interactive games and crafts, and community service activities. Our goal is to get youths excited about getting involved in both the church community and the Calgary community through participating in worship, Christmas pageants, food drives, and many more activities.